Fuel Pump Pressure RegulatorA component which keeps up gas pressure in a vehicle’s fuel system, which guarantees that the motor gets the legitimate measure of fuel for top execution. For proper combustion, fuel pressure must be maintained between 40 to 60 PSI in most vehicles. The fuel pressure regulator allows additional fuel to be pumped for above maximum engine horsepower, but the excess is returned to the fuel tank via a return line (or bypasses around it), ensuring that excess fuel does not overpower the engine.
One of the primary advantages to employing a pressure regulator is that it can be dynamically adjusted in relation to engine need. The regulator then dials the pressure down and less fuel is required when the engine idles or eases through light loads. Conversely, under heavy acceleration or high speed operation the engine asks for more fuel so the regulator increases pressure to deliver more fuel and keep a given A/F ratio. By externally regulating pre and post-pump fuel at increased depth, unique only to the Aeromotive regulator design, up to 10% efficiency gain may be realized over non-regulated system performance – particularly true in high performance or turbocharged engines demanding greater than 60 PSI under full load.
A plugged or failing fuel pressure regulator may be the cause of severe engine performance problems. The pressure regulator is responsible for insuring that the correct pressure is maintained, and if it not working right then the fuel flow might drop resulting in a lean condition. This can lead to misfires, poor acceleration and diminished fuel economy. In the case of a 20% drop in fuel pressure, it can reduce engine power by as much as 15%, this will affect the work fo the unit, and you will immediately feel how performance has degraded. Conversely, excessive pressure will flood the engine and over time may result in rich running conditions, black smoke from the exhaust and increased fuel consumption.
A bad fuel pressure regulator, those for example are reasonably priced between $100-$200 most vehicles and labor.) Maintaining your fuel system, checking everything from the pressure regulator for leak / clog-outs will effectively expand both the regulators and the pump work life. Having a good working condition of the pressure regulator will help to ensure that the fuel pump is no overworked thus lasting up to its full life span of 100,000-150,000 miles(when treated right) however if the pressure is not maintained well it will burn out early long before expiry.
For example, the failure of a fuel pressure regulator because when it breaks down, as it did in tens of thousands of cars in 2018, causing engines to stall and run poorly. The crash showed just how vital a role regulators play in ensuring that vehicles on the roads meet safety and reliability benchmarks.
Get a detailed overview of the Fuel Pump Pressure Regulators its importance, visit on –Fuel Pump